DK9JC & VK6PY setting new distance record on IO-117 Greencube
DK9JC: 15 ele diamond A430S15, JG LNA ULNA70VOX-E, IC-910
Tripod mount for my 15 ele Diamond A-430S15 IO-117 Greencube
People often ask me on Twitter how I mounted my 15 ele Diamond A-430S15 yagi antenna on my photo tripod. Well, it was quite simple. I have a normal photo tripod for photo cameras.
I already had one at home anyway. So I measured the boom of the 15 ele Diamond A-430S15 and sent the measurements (boom diameter 22mm) to Dragan, 4O4A. He then made me a drawing that I could easily print with my own 3D printer. Of course, this part does not fit universally. It depends on the mounting plate.
First EME QSO: And also portable and only powered with a battery
I'm very happy that I was finally able to finish my first Earth-Moon-Earth 🌍-🌕-🌍 (#EME) QSO last week. It only worked out because Bernd, DL7APV did all the work with his amazing 128 (!) x 11 ele 70cm Yagis. He has a gain of incredible 33.7dB over a dipole:
Bald ist wieder Ham Radio 2023 (mit Fotos aus 2022)
Nicht mehr lange, dann ist wieder Ham Radio in Friedrichshafen. Dieses Jahr zum 46. Mal. Wie die letzte 6 Jahre, bin ich auch dieses Jahr wieder dabei. Praktischerwiese verbinde ich die An - und Abreise immer mit einigen SOTA-Aktivierungen.
Die Ham Radio ist Europas bedeutendste Amateurfunkmesse und zeichnet sich durch die Kombination aus qualitativ hochwertigem Produktangebot und einem breit gefächerten Rahmenprogramm aus, das wir mit dem DARC als kompetenten Partner zusammenstellen. Es geht immer darum, aktuelle Themen aufzugreifen und gleichzeitig spannende Akzente zu setzen.
Die Ham Radio findet dieses Jahr von Freitag, 23. bis Sonntag, 25. Juni 2023, in Friedrichshafen am Bodensee statt. Die Tageskarte kostet 13 Euro. Die Drei-Tageskarte ist für 30 Euro erhältlich.
Weitere Informationen gibt es unter
FT4 via LEO SAT IC-910H SatPC32
I recently bought an Icom IC-910H. It was in extremely good condition and came with a dealer warranty. I just had to buy it. For SSB/Digi on SAT I only had my FT-817 and FT-818 and I wanted something with better internal filters and more power. Also, FT-817 and FT-818 can't do doppler correction while transmitting. During TX the 817/818's CAT is not responsive so I wanted something else.
In this post I explain what you need to do with an IC-910 for FT4 via SAT.
How to log a Satellite (SAT) QSO in Log4OM [QSL, eQSL, LOTW]
Even though I have been using cloudlog to log my SAT QSOs for a long time, I would like to explain here how to log a QSO in Log4OM so that it also works as a SAT QSO in LOTW, eQSL and paper QSL (label).
If we entered a callsign we click to "My".
Then we chose Satellite in the drop-down menu unter "Propagation". We also need to check the SATELLITE MODE box.
Now we fill out these fields and we see "RS-44" on left and can chose VU.
Without the correct SAT Name and Propagation mode set to Satellite it is not possible to get a LOTW cfm. All those values need to be correct.
How to add other SATs?
In the current version the most popular LEO SAT RS-44 is missing, but this is not a problem. Log4OM simply uses a CSV file as database. We can edit this file to fit the LOTW name list. This step is important. If you add an own name, LOTW will never get a match and the QSO will still be unfonfirmed. All missing and new SATs can be added.
The file "satellites.csv" can be found under C:\Users\[YOURNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Log4OM2:
I just added this line:
Just comment if you have any questions regarding Log4OM and Satellite QSOs.